Spectroscopic & Chromatographic Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Phospholipid Complexes of Flavonoids – A Comparative Study

Research Article

Tarun Kumar Dasgupta, Prisc


Introduction- Polyphenols belong to a chemical class of flavonoids which are widely distributed in vegetables and plants. They possess a number of biological activities and thus received much attention in phytotherapy research. The phospholipid complexes were originally coined as “Phytosomes”. No literature has been reported on the reactivity of polyphenols towards phospholipids depending upon refluxing time, cooling temperature, nature of phospholipids and the polyphenols in mixture form or in an isolated form. We aim to compare different analytical techniques for quantification of biomarkers and their phospholipid complexes. In this study biomarkers were taken at standard concentrations and its phospholipid complex were prepared. LC-MS/MS, HPLC, FTIR and NMR analytical techniques were used to quantify, characterize and monitor the complexes. Methods used for complexation of biomarkers gave good yields. 1H-NMR and FT-IR were reported for confirmation of phospholipids complex with natural polyphenols but the present study highlighted the need of spectrometry and chromatographic system in order to get better clarity regarding the formation of phospholipids complexes. NMR spectra can only give us the information if the complex has formed or not but doesn’t give the required information which flavonoid has complexed. Mass spectrometry revealed good precision and gave superior results over NMR of the respective complexes formed. More over the purity of these complexes which were formed during the reaction can be understood by the chromatographic system. This work found novelty in terms of revealing the molecules involved and their efficiency in the process of complexation.

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