Speak Up: Easier to Say than Do

Nicole Hall


Hospitals are no strangers to mistakes and it is well known that errors occur regularly in United States hospitals. In understanding patient safety issues in the healthcare setting the Joint Commission determined that up to “80% of serious medical errors” relate back to communication. Nurses provide a large portion of care in hospital settings and as such are uniquely positioned to speak up when processes aren't followed or improper practices are observed with the potential to prevent errors. In light of the fact that communication is such a significant factor in medical errors, one can understand the importance of a healthcare industry where speaking up is the norm. By supporting the expectation that nurses speak up, organizations can improve patient safety. Factors such as leaders who are good role models and organizations that reward speaking up can be built upon to strengthen a hospital’s culture of safety. Starting a conversation in organizations about the practice of speaking up is needed to end silence in hospitals to help prevent useless loss of function, life, and healthcare dollars.

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