Solubility and Dissolution Improvement of Aceclofenac using Different Nanocarriers

Faiyaz Shakeel, Wafa Ramadan


The aim of the present investigation was to improve solubility and dissolution of the lipophilic drug aceclofenac using three nanocarriers namely nanoemulsion, solid lipid nanosuspension and polymeric nanosuspension. The solubility of aceclofenac in distilled water and di fferent nanocarriers was determined using the UV sp ectropho- tometer method at the wavelength of 274 nm. Dissolu tion studies of pure aceclofenac suspension and its nanocarriers were performed using USP dissolution a pparatus in distilled water. The highest solubility (198.53 mg/ml) as well as % dissolution (99.5) of aceclofen ac was obtained with nanoemulsion formulation as co mpared to lipid and polymeric nanosuspension. The results of solubility and dissolution were highly significa nt in nanoemulsion as compared to lipid and polymeric nan osuspension (P<0.01). Dissolution profile of aceclo fenac in lipid and polymeric nanosuspension was significant as compared to pure aceclofenac suspension (P<0.05) . These results indicated that nanoemulsion is a promising nanocarrier as compared to lipid and polymeric nano suspension for solubility and dissolution enhancement of acecl ofenac.

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