Short note on Geo visualization

Niharika Dvivedi


Geo-visualization may be a rather new tool for understanding, interpretation and assessment of environmental knowledge. Geovisualization of landscape patterns associated processes offers an innovative approach to gift and discuss results of information assortment, knowledge analysis and knowledge simulation. Modern tools enable making interactive visual displays fairly quickly and while not a awfully steep learning curve, and there square measure absolutely versatile software package development environments and scripting languages for visual programming (e.g., Processing, Python, D3.js, Leaflet, WebGL, etc.). whether or not we tend to use software package to arrange the visual output or program it ourselves, the terribly initial talent we want may be a smart understanding of what the info pre-processing involves for the project’s desires. Consequently, the info domain, incorrect knowledge, and also the knowledge distributions ought to be examined initial, that need statistics skills and knowledge in knowledge handling

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