Schiff base metal complexes of Ni, Pd and Cu

Oshin Sebastian and Ashwin Tha


In this review paper we talk about the Schiff base ligands and its complexes with metals. In the past few decade there have been an increased interest in this area. . Synthesis of Schiff base can be done in many way s in which most common is the nucleophilic attack of amines on the electrophilic carbon of aldehydes or ketones. The e nd result of this reaction is a compound in which C=O double bon d is replaced by a C=N double bond. Schiff base com plex formation with transition metals are easier because of the incomplete d or f shells. Schiff base metal complexes are widely studied because of their industrial, antifun gal, antibacterial, anticancer and herbicidal appli cations. The Suzuki-Miyaura or Suzuki reaction is one of the mos t important reactions in organic chemistry as it is an extremely powerful reaction for carbon-carbon bond formation and yet rather easy to carry out. The Suzuki-Miyaur a coupling reaction has enabled the syntheses of many compound s on an industrial scale due to its cost-efficiency . Schiff base derived transition metal complexes have been identi fied as effective catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura react ion. Later on different complexes of transition metal such as Pal ladium, Copper and Nickel are discussed. Each compl exes depending up on the ligand used showed different pr operties such as antimicrobial, antifungal, antibac terial, antioxidant etc. Catalytic activities of Nickel and Palladium metal complexes and application of these complexes also discussed

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