Role of cognitive inflexibility in causing psychological distress among cancer patients

Short Article

Guru Prasanna Lakshmi Immadi


Cancer as a condition, primarily focused on treating the disease per se, as extensive literature suggests a link between cognitive dysfunction and cancer related treatment (Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Hormone Therapy). But the literature is limited is limited in terms of cognitive dysfunction related to cancer itself. Psychological distress in various types of cancer has been proved by previous studies. Still the research relating cognitive inflexibility with psychological distress is very much limited. Aim and method: The aim of the present research is to study the levels of cognitive flexibility, functioning and to explore the role of the cognitive inflexibility in causing psychological distress among various types of cancer patients. A sample of 75 various types of cancer patients were assessed using neuropsychological tool WCST, psychological tools Distress Thermometer and Rating scale, HAM-A, and HDRS. Results: the study findings showing significant levels of distress, anxiety, depression, and cognitive inflexibility among various types of cancer patients. There was a significant positive and negative correlation between WCST scores of most of the categories with distress variable scores and anxiety scores respectively. No significant correlation was found between the depression scale scores with WCST scores. Predictor variables of cognitive inflexibility in causing psychological distress were significant with the socio demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants. Conclusion: Symptom management and qualify of life are an essential part of survivorship. The psychological and neuropsychological investigation should include as an adjuvant to cancer treatment. Key words: Cancer, Cognitive inflexibility, Psychological Distress, Depression, and Anxiety.

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