Review of Anesthesia for Non-Obstetrical Surgery during Pregnancy

Beatriz LS Mandim*


The number of surgical procedures in gravid women unrelated to pregnancy itself has been increased over years. In such cases, one must keep in mind the responsibility for two patients, the optimization and maintenance of maternal homeostasis, avoiding alterations on uteroplacental perfusion that can bring harm to the fetus. This review had focused on safety to performing these procedures during pregnancy, considering the advances in the prevention and treatment of obstetric and fetal morbidity related to anesthesia. Background and Objectives: Despite research advances, there is still much controversy in the anesthetic management of obstetric patients. Several studies have demonstrated the safety of anesthesia in this group of patients. In this review, an analysis of anesthetics used in clinical practice is proposed, as well as the technique to be chosen and its effects on the mother and fetus in non-obstetric surgery during pregnancy. Content: This revision was made based on the main articles in the literature encompassing the epidemiology, physiological changes during pregnancy, anesthetic management, possible risks to the fetus due to the use of anesthetic drugs, fetal monitoring, and procedures such as fetal surgery and laparoscopic during pregnancy. Conclusion: Non-obstetric anesthesia in pregnant patients has proven to be safe in terms of maternal and fetal outcome, maternal morbidity and mortality, teratogenicity, premature birth and fetal loss.

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