Results of conjunctiva muller muscle resection and external levator resection techniques for ptosis repair ptosis and results of treatment options

Elke BahCeci Simsek,Ziypip Par


Objective: To evaluate the results of levator aponeurosis surgery (LS) and conjunctiva- Müller muscle resection (CMR) operations for correction of upper eyelid ptosis. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study of 85 patients who had undergone either LS or CMR for ptosis from January 2015 to May 2016. Detailed information including age, gender, etiology, type of surgery, laterality of surgery, preoperative levator function, pre- and postoperative palpebral fissure height (PFH), postoperative PFH change, postoperative day 1 pain, edema, ecchymosis, cosmetic outcome, reoperation rate and operating time from initial maneuver to wound closure were recorded. Patients with good levator function (over 12 mm) were included to the study. Postoperative measurements at the 6th month visit were used for analysis. Results: Of the surgical procedures 67% (57/85) were LS, 33% (28/85) were CMR operation. For the patients who underwent LS, preoperative PFH was statistically lower than CMR patients (p=0.016). Postoperative PFH and PFH change between two operation groups were not statistically significant (p=0.1 for postop PFH, p=0.073 PFH change). Postoperative PFH change in both groups was statistically significant (p=0.001 for both evaluations). There were no significant differences between the 2 groups regarding postoperative 1st day pain, edema, ecchymosis (p=0.128), reoperation rate, and final cosmetic outcome (p=0.724). In LS group, the operation time (28.86±5.09 mins) was statistically significantly higher than CMR group (17.71±3.11 mins) (p=0.001). Conclusion: Although the CMR provides a shorter operation time both the LS and CMR lead to good surgical results with equivalent final cosmetic satisfaction, reoperation rates and postoperative 1st day pain, edema, ecchymosis. Key Words: conjunctiva-Müller muscle resection; levator aponeurosis surgery; ptosis; ptosis surgery.

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