Research on the sampling methods of transportation price of highway general cargo

Jin-wen Cao and Jing-yan Gu


In recent years, the transportation capacity of highway general cargo is greater than the demand, so the increasing market competition and the price in the long-term doldrums lead to numerous conflicts that affect the healthy and stable development of the cargo market. There is not yet a systematic sampling program for the provincial and municipal transportation prices which bring lots of difficulties for the information collection and monitoring. Based on objective circumstances such as the cargo market dispersion, the regional differences and the poor cooperation, this paper proposed a sample survey method by the double stratified sampling method. It is suitable, scientific and feasible for our cargo market validated by the pilot areas. The study of the sampling methods of highway general cargo transportation prices is of the important practical significance. It can strengthen the market supervision for the highway general cargo transportation, establish the information collection and release system of cargo price, and promote the linkage between prices and costs, and finally form the reasonable cargo prices guide.

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