Research on household energy-saving and environmental protection

Liang Yanbing, Ma Yongsheng an


Since the reform and opening-up, China’s economy is rapidly growing and has made great achievements. B ut at the same time, huge price has been paid in both resourc es and environment. If we don’t accelerate economic restructuring and change of the pattern of economic growth, there will be a shortage in resources and deficiency in environmental capacity. That is what government can not afford and then economy will be difficult to s ustain. Only by vigorously pursuing energy conservation and emis sion reduction, which can make economic growth real ly based on energy saving and environmental protection, can we achieve sound and rapid development in economic society. The central government has put forward clearly in t he eleventh five-year plan that our country must ac celerate the development of an environment-friendly society and make more efforts to protect the environment, and f inally achieve sustainable development and change the patt ern of economic growth. Energy-saving and cost-redu cing are the key points in the eleventh five-year plan. 1. Purpose of research: The research work of this a rticle is about evaluation of household energy savi ng and saving effect. 2. Idea of the model: First, we analyze the energy consumption based on the analog of a family’s major domestic electric appliances of a year. Then we establish a model with lists and plans: we calculate the total quantity of power-saving by lis ting and planning major domestic electric appliances of a fa mily in one year. Then we transform the quantity to the amount of standard coal which is required in thermal power generation. And finally we work out the emission r eductions of carbon dioxide and some other airborne contaminants .

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