Representing structure formation in the early universe as a result of non linear electrodynamics influencing scale factor size

Original Article

Andrew Walcott Beckwith


We find that having the scale factor close to zero due to a given magnetic field value in, an early universe magnetic field affects how we would interpret Mukhanov’s chapter on ‘self reproduction of the universe’ in in his reference “Physical foundations of cosmology” terms of production of inhomogeneity during inflation and its aftermath. The stronger an early universe magnetic field is, the greater the likelihood of production of about 20 new domains of size 1/ H, with H early universe Hubble’s constant, per Planck time interval in evolution. One final caveat to consider. What may happen is that the Camara (2004) density and Quintessential density (Corda et al.) are both simultaneously satisfied, which would put additional restrictions on the magnetic field which in turn affects structure formation. In time, once Eq.(16) of this paper is refined further, the author hopes that some of the issues raised by Kobayashi and Seto as to allowed inflation models may be addressed, once further refinement of these preliminary results commences. We close as to how fluctuations in the Hubble expansion parameter, H, as given below may affect structure as given in reference[10] below.

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