Renewable Energy Scenarios as a Key for Sustainable Rural Area Applications in Turkey

Deniz I and Oncel S


In order to reduce dependency on petroleum fuels, Turkey, a country located in Southeastern Europe and Southwestern Asia, in search of new energy sources like the other countries. Modern energy services can be considered as renewable energy technologies (RETs) which are sustainable and abundant in the country. However considering the total cost of RET production, renewable energy sources can be used not to replace the fossil fuels, but to supply energy requirement in rural areas, in order to decrease the imported energy resources that place a big burden on the economy. In this study, the renewable energy resources in Turkey were comparatively expressed, regards to the potential and current use. This paper was aimed to provide an overview of worldwide examples and projects for the use of renewable energy technologies that can also be applied in Turkey, which has a proportion of rural population, to increase the access to modern energy services in rural areas in the country. For these purposes, the rural and nationwide renewable energy productions were compared and the limitations and prospects were also discussed.

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