Relative analysis of shoulder and elbow common sports injury kinematics parameters in volleyball spike

Fei Dong


Volleyball is a kind of widespread, mass base sports item, which also extensive developed as a competitive sports program in every college and university, has strong antagonism, big exercise intensity ,and quick transition between attack versus defense so on other sports features. Athletes would easily suffer all kinds of sports injury if improper methods applied into teaching, training and competitions. This paper mainly studied the connection between college volleyball players spike process and common positions sports injury. Firstly, utilize high speed image analysis techniques to get kinematic parameters, and then combine with sports biomechanics principle and statistical analysis method to make research on the spike process of our schools major spikes that long-term engaged in volleyball ,try to find out the common features and key caused that lead to injury as well as provide corresponding improvement suggestions. Research results show that shoulder and elbow as well as surrounding muscles injury most happened in spiking process, while the main cause to the injure is shoulder abduction angle in push moment and elbow maximum abduction angle in touch moment. At last, put forward some improvement suggestions to provide some theoretical proofs and references for optimizing volleyball sports basic theory, improving college volleyball training methods, reducing sports injury and enhancing sports performance.

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