Recurrent side effects following chronic recreational use of sexual stimulants among male subjects in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

Research Article

V. U. Nna, E. J. Ani, E. O. Of


In Nigeria today, the recreational use of sexual stimulants (SS) and other phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5i) is becoming alarming. It is unclear whether or not individuals have information on the contraindications and possible side effects of these stimulants. This study was therefore directed at assessing the knowledge of contraindications and side effects of SS among male subjects who indulge in its chronic use in Calabar, Nigeria. A total of 2500questionnaires were administered to male subjects aged 15– 75 years. Out of the 2500, 2180 respondents returned the questionnaires. Exclusion criterion was employed to eliminate responses of subjects who were currently having sex less than 4 times a month for the past 4 months, thus, 2010 responses were valid. Out of the 2010respondents, 1969 (98%) had used SS, while 41 (2%) had never used SS. Each respondent used more than one particular SS. Out of the 2010 respondents, 1935 (96.3%), 1770 (88.1%) and 1516 (75.4%) had used drugs (PDE5i), Cannabis and other herbs, respectively, to sustain erection. Assessment of the drugs used showed that 717 (35.7%) respondents used viagra, 1839 (91.5%) respondents used tramadol, 16 (0.8%) used cialis,680 (33.8%) used Adams desire (a plant – based product),while 1420 (70.7%) respondents used other drugs to sustain erection and postpone ejaculation. Out of the 2010 respondents, 1908 (94.9%) observed some side effects, while 27 (1.3%) had not recorded side effects following SS use. A total of 1849 (92.0%) respondents reported headache, 1848 (91.9%) respondents reported stomach pain, while 98 (4.9%) respondents reported exhaustion, following SS use. One thousand nine hundred and ninety five (99.3%) respondents had no knowledge of the contraindications of PDE5i, and 1978 (98.4%) respondents were not currently monitoring their blood pressure. Sexual stimulant use results in varying degrees of undesired effects, notably stomach pain and headache; therefore, its use should be keenly regulated.

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