Reality of gravity-like fields? Part I: Recent experiments that challenge current physics

Original Article

Walter DrÃÃ


In this paper a set of recent experiments/observations is presented that seem to indicate the existence of novel physics outside general relativity as well as the standard model of particle physics and the standard model of cosmology. The approach chosen in the present paper is unique, since the existence of new physics is based on various experiments reported from widely different areas, and not a priori on the introduction of novel physical concepts. If confirmed, new concepts might be required and drastic extensions to current physics would become necessary, for instance, in form of novel gravity-like fields. Such fields could provide the basis for propellantless propulsion that is, gravitational field propulsion might become a possibility. A total of eleven experiments both from cosmological observations and high particle physics has been identified that seem to require an extension of general relativity and also might contradict key predictions of the so called advanced physical theories like string theory, supersmmetry, or quantum gravity. The paper also discusses in how far the existence of additional extreme gravitomagnetic and gravity-like fields outside general relativity together with novel types of matter is supported by experimental facts based on the results of three recent experiments that might have measured these extreme gravitomagnetic fields (see the in depth analysis of these experiments in the accompanying paper by J. Hauser in this special issue).

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