Quantification and Characterization of Solid Waste in Alkalakla Administrative Unit, Khartoum State–Sudan

Ahmed Abdelgadir Mohamed Elzak


Strong waste age is a result of human exercises, poor strong waste administration lead to genuine general medical issues. Measurement and portrayal of strong waste parts think about a significant advance in strong waste administration systems. A cross-sectional distinct investigation was directed in Alkalakla Administrative Unit to decide strong waste per capita age rate and distinguish strong waste creations. Thinking about occasional varieties and financial class, World Health Organization (WHO) and California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) methods for strong waste study were embraced in inspecting technique and strong waste isolation. Information were gathered and examined multiple times in 2013 (January, May, and August). The normal load of strong waste created in Alkalakla Administrative Unit, considering each of the three seasons, was 0.401 kg/capita/day, and as needs be assessed yearly measure of strong waste was (36241.6 ton).

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