Properties Growth of Populations The Striped Venus (Chamelea gallina L., 1758) and The Wedge Clam (Donax trunculus L., 1758) in The West Marmara Sea

Çolakolu Serhat


In this study, of individuals the striped venus (Chamelea gallina) and the wedge clam (Donax trunculus) sampled from the natural stock in west of the Marmara Sea were estimated proper-ties growth. Samples were collected for a period of 24 consecutive months in zones off com-mercial fishing by dredging. The distribution length of individuals in populations C. gallina and D. trunculus were 7-39 mm and 11.5-42 between, weight 0.3-21.05 g and 0.26 -17.22 g between, respectively. Both species showed negative allometric growth. The average meat yi-eld of C. gallina and D. trunculus were about .10 and .45, respectively.

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