Prevalance and risk factors of high blood pressure at Rabak cement factory 2016,Rabak,Sudan

Omnia M. S. Abdallah


 High BP is a serious non-communicable disease in developing countries due to its silent nature and numerous complications. This cross sectional facility-based study was conducted at Rabak cement  factory, White Nile state in 2016 to assess the prevalence of high blood pressure and to identify the risk factors among workers exposed to cement dust. A total of 125 workers were included in the study: 118 males and 7 females. The workers were divided into two groups to investigate the association between cement dust exposure and blood pressure. An interview-administered questionnaire was used to collect the information required. The blood pressure measured twice once in each arm using mercury sphygmomanometer and the highest readings were taken .Data was analyzed using descriptive statistical methods and chi square test via the SPSS software version 21. The prevalence of diagnosed  high BP was found to be 44.8 % (55 workers) and the prevalence of undiagnosed high BP was 44.8%. There was a significant association between gender and both high systolic (P<0.0001) and high diastolic (P=0.022) blood pressure. There was also a significant association between high dust exposure and high systolic (P=0.014) ,also high diastolic (P=0.038) blood pressure. Furthermore a  significant association was found between low and medium monthly income and high systolic blood pressure (p=0.01). The study has been concluded that the significant risk factors for high blood pressure among workers in Rabak cement factory were: male gender, low and medium monthly income and high level of cement dust exposure. Therefore, early management and preventive measures are recommended to prevent complications.

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