Preservation of dental sockets filled with composite bovine bone: A single-blind randomize Clinical trial

Vail Natale jr


The increase in human life expectation demands that medical sciences adopt an attitude focused on prevention and health promotion, to provide better quality of life. However, a large number of people continue to need restorative and rehabilitative treatments. This is no different in oral health. Brazilian public health data reported that around 70% of the Brazilian population of approximately 40 years of age present with the loss of one or more teeth . These rates rise as the age range evaluated increases. Thus, osseointegration becomes the first choice for rehabilitating these patients, because it is a safe and predictable technique both for rehabilitating single and multiple tooth losses. The end purpose is to re-establish function and esthetics. However, as a result of the etiology of tooth loss and time elapsed after extraction, accentuated alveolar bone resorption may occur . These cases may require additional procedures for reconstructing the alveolar bone, for later insertion of osseointegrated implants in a more favorable prosthetic position. Alveolar bone resorption after tooth loss is a continuous and irreversible process. The mean rate of alveolar bone resorption in the anterior maxillary region during the first year after tooth loss is around 25% of total bone volume; the reduction in alveolar bone thickness may reach up to 40-60% by the 3rd year after tooth loss . For the posterior region of the maxilla, alveolar bone loss may reach up to 50% of total volume during the course of 3 years . However, studies have pointed out that the initial volume of the posterior maxilla is twice as large as the anterior maxillathe anterior maxilla.

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