Preparation and evaluation of ocular inserts of diclofenac sodium for controlled drug delivery

Research Article

Tasneem Ara, Sanjay Sharma, Sh


The Aim and Objective of the present study is to formulate and evaluate the ocular Inserts of diclofenac sodium using different polymers Such as HPMC, Eudragit L100 at various concentrations and combinations using dibutylphthalate as plasticizer. The ocuserts were prepared by using solvent casting technique. Different formulations were prepared and evaluated for thickness, moisture uptake, weight, Drug content, surface pH. In vitro release of drug from ocusert was studied using an apparatus similar to that of the diffusion cell and egg membrane was used as semi permeable membrane.IR spectral analysis showed that there is no interaction of Drug with polymer which indicates the intactness of drug in the formulation. The optimized formulation shows anomalous diffusion predominantly with first order kinetics and it was subjected to Accelerated stability studies as per ICH guidelines.

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