Preparation and evaluation of loratadine tablets by using novel polacrilin potassium

Research Article

Devi D. K. N, Nelluri N. Rao,


Loratadine is second generation, non-sedative anti –histamine used in symptomatic relief of allergy. The objective of the current study was to compare the disintegration efficiency of Loratadine by using three superdisintegrants represented by Ac-Di-Sol, Primogel, and Polacrilin Potassium. The concentrations investigated were 5%,10%,15% of total tablet weight. Oral disintegrating tablets were prepared by superdisintegrant addition method and direct compression technique. The quality control test results complied with the monograph specifications. A significant rapid release of the drug from F8 formulation was observed in comparison to other formulations. Hence, it was concluded that the superdisintegrant , Polacrilin Potassium in 10% concentration showed better dissolution efficiency among the other levels of superdisintegrants. Based on the data obtained on the dissolution rate, the superdisintegrants can be ranked as Polacrilin Potassium > Sodium starch glycolate > Ac-Di-Sol.

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