Preparation and Evaluation of Glipizide Azadirachta indica Fruit Mucilage Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone Sustained Release Matrix Tablets

Research Article

Siva Prasad Reddy S, Hindustan


The purpose of the present investigation was to prepare matrix type sustained release tablets of Glipizide with Azadirachta indica fruit mucilage and Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone. The polymers were studied for its functionality as a matrix forming property to sustain the Glipizide release from the dosage form. Physicochemical properties of dried powdered mucilage of Azadirachta indica fruit mucilage and Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone blend were studied. Various formulations of Glipizide Azadirachta indica fruit mucilage and Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone were prepared. The prepared tablets were found to have better pharmacopoeial parameters with low standard deviation values. The swelling behavior and release rate characteristics were studied. The in-vitro dissolution study proved that the dried Azadirachta indica fruit mucilage and Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone combination can be used as a matrix forming polymers for making sustained release matrix tablets.

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