Preliminary Phytochemical Studies of Leaf Extracts of Molineria Recurvata

Prasanta Dey, Manidipa Mukherj


Moleneria recurvata (Fam. Hypoxidaceae) is an herb. It is also known as palm grass. Leaves are alterna te having parallel-veined, or pinnately veined. Stomata are p resent. Secretary cavities may be present or absent . Flowers are regular. The fibers from the plant have been used for purposes such as making nets, and the fruit is edible. The present study deals with the phytochemi cal screening on leaf extract of Moleneria recurvat a; belongs to family Hypoxidaceae. This plant has a high economic importance due to it’s various medicinal propertie s. Extraction of bioactive compounds from this medicin al plant permits demonstration of it’s physiologica l activity. It also facilitates pharmacological studies leading to discovery of synthesis of more potent drugs. The p hytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids in hig h concentration followed by hydroxy-anthraquinone glycosides, phytosteroids, dextrin, flavonoid etc. Powder analy sis parameters like extractive value, total ash, ac id insoluble ash, water soluble ash and loss on drying were also dete rmined. The above mentioned phytochemical study hel ps the researchers to identify the specific plants and als o to know the phytoconstituents for future work. De tails studies of phytochemicals isolation are going on in our labora tory for pharmacological evaluation.

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