Phytocenosis Created by Leguminous Plants at Mil Steppe of Azerbaijan and Their Agricultural Importance

Asadova KA* Gurbanov EM and Ma


At the result of conducted geobotanical researches the phytocenosises with dominance of leguminous plants founded at hole-meadow vegetation of Mil steppe of Azerbaijan Republic were studied. Their species content, structure, ecological-geobotanical parameters, agricultural importance, the effect of climate changes to them were investigated and classification scheme was prepared. It was determined that hole-meadow vegetation is formed by 1 type, 7 formation classes, 9 formation groups and 11 associations. At the result of researches it was defined that at holemeadow vegetation the shruby-different grassy-leguminous hole-meadows formation class is represented with more widely areal that the content of founded associations here are more richer with fodder leguminous plants.

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