Physicians intention to leave from malaysia government hospitals with existing retention strategy.

Muhammad Nur Amir AR,*, Sharif


Background: Healthcare professionals or physicians are important assets for health institutions in ensuring optimum delivery of healthcare to the people. Job satisfaction in various aspects including daily tasks, responsibilities and other duties will indirectly provide high productivity to an organization as well as ensuring a conducive working environment and reducing the resignation rates. Resignation rate trends among physicians in Malaysia ranged from 6.4% in 2000 to 3.5% in 2016. The introduction of Full Paying Patient services in Ministry of Health hospitals in 2007 somewhat contributed to the reduction in resignation rate of physicians. The purpose of this research is to assess this retention strategy implemented in Ministry of Health in achieving one of its objectives (to retain physicians). The assessment will help gain a better understanding of the complexities involved to assist policymakers in establishing good policies and guidelines to reduce the rate of resignation among physicians in the government hospitals and ultimately ensure a sustainable national health system. Methods: This is a cross sectional study involving simple randomly sampled physicians from the daily attendance list in pioneered Ministry of Health hospitals offering Full Paying Patient services. The study using quantitative methods in the form of structured questionnaires that are often used to measure the level of job satisfaction (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire-short form). Results: Intention to leave found in 46.8% of respondents though the findings of this study do not statistically significant (p value of 0.437) which indicates that there are other factors involve. However, job satisfaction towards governance and work processes at workplace are turned out to be associated with intention to leave among physicians in Malaysia government hospitals (p value less than 0.05). monitoring of its effectiveness together with research on factors that motivate health workers in order to Conclusions: Full Paying Patient services must be accompanied by continuous assessment as well as adapt and adjust the benefit packages that sensitive towards the changing needs and desires of the workforce.

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