Pharmacognostical standardisation of Jasminum sambac Ait. (Oleaceae) leaves

Research Article

Mittal Aruna, Sardana Satish a


Jasminum sambac Ait. (Oleaceae) is a large scrambling sub erect twining evergreen ornamental shrub, which grows up to the height of 2 meter. The plant has numerous applications in traditional medicine but there is a lack of data on the standards of leaves of the plant. So the pharmacognostical study and parameters related to physicochemical properties have been evaluated as per WHO guidelines. Fluorescent behaviour, microbial contamination, aflatoxin content, heavy metal profile and pH values of drug solution were also assessed for safety purpose. The leaves of Jasminum sambac Ait. are green in colour with characteristic odour and slight bitter taste. Transverse section of leaves shows the presence palisade layer consists of four to five layers of spongy parenchyma. Physicochemical parameters and quantitative standards were also estimated and the data obtained in present study will serve as valuable tool for identification, authentication and detection of adulterants, standardization and quality control of the drug.

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