Pharmacognostical & physico-chemical studies on the root of Bambusa arundinacea

Research Article

H. K. Sundeep Kumar, M. B. V.


Bambusa arundinacea is an important medicinal plant which belongs to family Poaceae, used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani system of medicine. In Ayurveda & Siddha root is used as katu rasam, kashaya anurasam, katu vipaka, guru, ruksham, kaphaharam, vatapitta karam, guru vidhahi and saram. Young shoots of the bamboo made into a poultice is a most efficacious application for dislodgement of worms from ulcers. Pickles or curry prepared out of the tender shoots give much benefit to persons suffering from lack of digestion as it promotes appetite and digestion. The silicious concretion as found in the joints of the female bamboo, it is useful in fever, cough, consumption, paralytic complaints, debilitating diseases, asthma, snake-bite, etc. Root is given as a specific in eruptive affections. The present study provides taxonomical, pharmacognostical and physico-chemical details helpful in laying down standardization and pharmacopoeial parameters. The important parameters studied are macroscopical and microscopical character, measurement of length, width and diameter of starch grain, fibre and calcium oxalate crystals. Histochemical test, Behaviour of powdred materials, histochemical studies, behavior of powder with different chemical reagent & fluorescence analysis. Physico-chemical studies revealed total moisture content(8%), total ash (6.5 %), watersoluble ash (6.41 %), acid insoluble ash (3.5%), sulphated ash (7%), petroleum ether extractive (0.33%), chloroform extractive (1.66%), acetone extractive (7.66%), methanol extractive (7.96%), water extractive (8.4%). Inorganic element showed the presence of iron, sulphate, chloride and nitrate.

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