Pharmacognostical and physico-chemical studies on the leaf of Mollugo Pentaphylla L

Research Article

S. K. Sahu, D. Das and N. K. T


Mollugo pentaphylla is an important medicinal plant which belongs to family Aizoaceae, used traditionaly in the treatment of stomachic, aperient, antiseptic, emmenagogue and poultices for sore legs. An infusion of the plant is given to women to promote the menstrual discharge. Leaves are bitter and antiperiodic, they are warmed after smearing with oil and applied to the ear to relieve earache. The present study provides taxonomical, pharmacognostical and physico-chemical details helpful in laying down standardization and pharmacopoeial parameters. The important parameters studied are microscopical study, behaviour of powdred materials, histochemical studies, behavior of powder with different chemical reagent & fluorescence analysis. Physicochemical studies revealed total moisture content (10.5%), total ash (15.83 %), watersoluble ash (6.5%), acid insoluble ash (5.5%), sulphated ash (23%), ethanol extractive (7.8%) and water extractive (14.8%).

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