Pharmacognostical and physico-chemical studies on the leaf of Glinus oppositifolius L.

Research Article

S. K. Sahu, D. Das, N. K. Trip


Glinus oppositifolius is an important medicinal plant which belongs to family Molluginaceae, used traditionaly in the treatment of skin disease, increase appetite, cures vata, kapha, piles, leucoderma, tonic to intestine, urinary infections, fever, cough, liver problem and also used as antioxidant due to its excellent properties and potent phytoconstituents The present study provides taxonomical, pharmacognostical and physico-chemical details helpful in laying down standardization and pharmacopoeial parameters. The important parameters studied are microscopical study, Behaviour of powdred materials, histochemical studies, behavior of powder with different chemical reagent & fluorescence analysis. Physico-chemical studies revealed total moisture content (8%), total ash (16.10 %), watersoluble ash (12.5%), acid insoluble ash (10%), sulphated ash (25.5%), petroleum ether extractive (0.4%), chloroform extractive (1.8%), acetone extractive (3.4%), ethyl acetate (2.4%), methanol extractive (9.8%) and water extractive (18.5%). Inorganic element showed the presence of iron, sulphate, chloride and nitrate.

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