Pharmacognostic study of Clerodendrum splendens flower and stem

Research Article

Sunil B. Pandey, S. A. Nirmal


To present detailed pharmacognostic study of Clerodendrum splendens flower and stem an important plant in Indian system of medicine. The macroscopy, microscopy, physiochemical analysis, preliminary testing of the Flower and Stem part for standardization was investigated. Morphological study of flower shows that it is pentamerous with 5 free sepals, 5 gamopetalous corolla and five free petal lobes. Microscopic study of flowers shows that sepals are thick with blunt margins and are concave on the abaxial side and glandular trichomes are frequently seen on the inner epidermis. There are five petal lobes which are imbricate and aestivation and these are thicker in the middle and gradually tapering towards margins. The anther is dithecous and four chambered and the anther dehisces longitudinally through the stomium. The pollen grains are circular and have slightly echinate exine and thin smooth infine. The basal part of the petal forms a tubular structure. Fairly prominent circular vascular strands are located along the median part of the corolla tube. Morphologically, stem is hollow cylindrical having dark greenish surface with characteristic mushy odor. Microscopic study shows that stem is a hollow cylinder with even outline. Calcium oxalate crystals of prismatic type are located in cortical sclerenchyma elements and pholem rays are the diagnostic feature of the stem. It can be concluded that pharmacognostic profile of Clerodendrum splendens flower and stem is helpful in developing standards for quality, purity and simple identification.

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