Pharmacognostic Standardization and Hypoglycemic Evaluations of Novel Polyherbal Formulations

Research Article

Sweety Lanjhiyana, Debapriya G


The present investigation was carried out to focus on the hypoglycemic effect of newly developed polyherbal formulation (5EPHF) consisting of five medicinal plant extracts viz., Aegel marmelos, Murraya koenigii, Aloe vera, Pongamia pinnata and Elaeodendron glaucum in normal and alloxan induced diabetic rats. The formulation was subjected to pharmacognostic, physico-chemical and phytochemical evaluations which will assist in standardization for authenticity, quality and identification of the herbal products. Further, the results showed that the formulation treated group significantly altered the glucose level in normoglycemic and experimentally-induced diabetic animals. Treatment with 5EPHF at dose 200 mg/kg to diabetic rats resulted in significant reduction of serum glucose, glycosylated haemoglobin, total cholesterol, triglyseride, low density lipoprotein, creatinine, urea whereas significant increased level of insulin and high density lipoprotein was observed. The formulation treatment significantly inhibited lipid peroxidation and elevates the level of antioxidants enzymes in alloxanized rats. Histopathological studies on 21 day revealed that the regeneration effect of 5EPHF on damaged pancreatic islet cells was found almost comparable to that of standard tolbutamide drug. The present study clearly demonstrated that the developed novel phytomedicine is having potential hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities which may be beneficial for the management and treatment of diabetes mellitus.

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