Gill R.S.D
Background: In developing countries, tuberculosis is one of the leading cause of pericardial effusion and frequently progress into a life-threatening condition. The diagnosis of pericardial TB is still challenging and mainly depends on echocardiography, and pericardial fluid analysis. The importance of proper management in tuberculous pericardial disease determine the patient’s prognosis. Aim: To presents tuberculosis pericardial effusion cases presenting with haemorrhagic pericardial effusion. Case Illustration: A 19 years old male came with shortness of breath started 1 month before admitted. He also complains dyspnoe d’ effort, and orthopnoe, feverish and weight loss. He was then get an echo examination and a large pericardial effusion without tamponade was found. A 30 years old female came with a reference from neighbourhood hospital with pericardial effusion. Patient complains shortness of breath, coughs, and fever. Both of the patients had no history of lung disease. They had ADA test and results came back positive. They were treated with anti tuberculosis drug and steroid, and got better afterwards. Summary: Tuberculosis can appears as hemorrhagic pericardial effusion. Specific treatment brings good results therefore diagnosis must be made as early as possible to shorten patients’ length of stay.