Pedagogical Conditions of Highly Productive Activity for Teachers of Higher Education Establishment

Igor Anikin, Svetlana Lapteva,


Modern educational process in a higher education establishment implies training the future professional as an all-round individual aimed at not only completing a system of professional tasks but also at accomplishing a wide range of social functions. The present study aims to discuss and determine pedagogical conditions of highly productive activity of teachers that are needed for higher education establishment. The main focus of this paper is the training of students for work in the field of social economical trades where the objects of physical and mental efforts are people, groups, teams and solutions to specific problems related to their everyday life. It appears that adaptability of a teacher’s personality to fulfilling a wide range of different interaction with students and colleagues is the key to success in their professional activity which, consecutively, acts as a strong factor of work motivation improvement throughout all their lifetime. Today, one of the most important issues of modern school is development of emotional aspect in pedagogical conversation fulfillment as the principal approach of the teacher’s activity. This approach firstly will ensure their disposition to enter another person’s inside emotional world, compassion, empathy and the usage of unconventional approaches to conversation which allow for deviation from explicit role of the teacher acting for the benefit of the organization of the subject-subject interaction with the student. That is why the study of the possibilities for gradual adaptation to complex patterns of fulfillment of this kind of interaction takes on special importance and significance particularly when training the students for their future pedagogical profession in higher educational establishment.

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