Overview of Disease Management

Arpinder Kaur


As we all are very much aware about increasing health disease. Now as days the management of diseases should by necessary to overcome the risk of increasing death rate. With the passage of time and increasing population the rate of chronic diseases was also increasing day by day. Many disease management programs and policies were launched by different countries to manage diseases. Disease management is an approach of medical healthcare which enables the patients to manage the chronic diseases. Patients learn how to manage themselves and avoid potential problems related to their health. Various health insurance companies focus on the management of diseases to overcome the health costs. Health policies, health insurances have been launched by many companies of the world to improve the quality of patient care. They build collaborative practice models, educate the patients, identify the target population which diseases should be addressed and to design such programs to teach self-management to patients. There are many conditions for disease management such as Heart diseases (coronary heart diseases, hypertension, congestive heart failures), Lung diseases (chronic obstructive, pulmonary disease), Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis. Disease management programs is an important in care of management. It depends on factors like manager commitment, the change of management structure, organizational readiness to pursue the course and the performance of the process.

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