Otolith Extraction in Fish Larvae and Daily Increments: Example of Ayu, (Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck & Schlegel, 1846)

lhan AYDIN


To establish otolith extraction and daily ring reading, sagital otolith extraction of larval Ayu Placoglossus altivelis was conduct. Daily increments were read under the microscope (x400) with camera lucida. The date of hatching was found between 02.11.1995 and 08.12.1995. 35 % of larvae were hatched between 11.11.1995 and 15.11.1995. Daily growth rate were found 0.40 ± 0.012 mm / day. The numbers of daily increment were 12 and 48 for minimum and maxi-mum respectively. A positive linear regression was observed between daily age and growth rate.

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