Origin of Universe and black holes

Value Added Abstract

Dipendra Neupane


There are different principles and thoughts about origin of the universe. Of them some are very popular. After a long research and study a new result has found out about the origin of universe. According to this theory,  before the origin of our universe there was only black space. i.e. there was a black colored vacant space made from Dian. Dian, the basis of Universe, is density less and motionless. Darkness of the universe is the result of 4 elements: Pito, Anto, Blata and Glyasi. These 4 elements can't react with Dian but can react with each other. Dian can react with any product that results after the reaction of these 4 elements. Dian, Pito, Anto, Blata and Glaci seem to be the fundamental elements of universe. After million and billions of years with the reaction between elements of black space, dark hole are formed and from that dark hole, universe is originated. According to these 3 processes the origin of universe can be clarify. 1. Collision between two Dark Holes: There is condition of collision between the Dark Holes formed in Black Spaces due to unlimited density, movement and gravity there is a condition of collision and they collide with each other. Due to this collision there is an explosion black spaces and expands far-far away in huge area. After that due to the chemical reaction for hundreds of year again that elements starts to unite and turns to surface (body) and hence stars and planets are formed. 2. Dark Hole Explosion: In some points dark hole cannot control elements in itself and from the center it starts to expand or move against from the center. This state lasts for very short time like seconds or minutes and explodes itself. And due to this explosion the elements scatters and form stars and planets in certain time period. 3. Dark Hole Ignition: when there is pressure in Dark hole due to its unlimited density and movement, unlimited energy is formed. Before dark hole changes to state of white hole, due to this continuous chemical reaction and unlimited pressure, the energy produced in it starts to be active and due to this there is production of heat and light and the pressure of dark hole starts to be still. After millions of year the pressure in it starts to decrease and it converts to fire ball and forms a star.

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