On the unification of macroscopic masses and charges and microscopic masses and charges

Original Article

Volker Achim Weberruss


As I have already discussed In[1], only some simple theoretical ideas are needed wanting to unify the notions “mass”, “charge”, and “Metric”. As I have already discussed In[1], this includes Einstein’s field equations of gravitation and the equation of geodetic lines just like basic limiting cases such as Poisson’s equations for masses and charges and Newton’s equation of Motion for masses and charges. As I have already discussed In[1], the forces and fields of masses and charges just like the dynamics and statics of masses and charges then can be treated comprehensively under a generalized point of view defined by these simple ideas, in particular, defined by the ideas “charge-corrected mass”, “mass charge–exchange relation”, “Vacuum tension” or “generation tension”, and “mass–charge metric”. Certainly, these ideas are simple in comparison to other attempts to develop a unified theory of masses and charges based upon the notion “metric”. Certainly, the physical interpretations established to gain a graphic access to these ideas require much more inspiration and transpiration in comparison to other attempts to develop a unified theory of masses and charges based upon the notion “metric”. Certainly, some notional barriers must be overcome wanting to gain access to the congruity of these ideas. However, realizing what the observables are, these ideas are consistent with basic laws such as the energy–mass formula and the Lorentz transformation, also fulfilling the requirements of quantum systems (“wave–particle systems”), in comparison to the macroscopic masses and charges that have been assumed in[1], characterized by microscopic masses and charges. Let me work out this in more detail in this publication departing from the notions introduced in[1], in this context, a further time speaking of generalized Einstein field theory (GEFT).

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