On Project Detail- Roots That Inspire

Anja Herzog


58% of people in Germany would like to be cared for at home during the life phase of dying. Their families and the ties to them or openness and honesty are important to them. Many of the relatives in the families, neighborhoods or communities are insecure or anxious in caring of their loved ones, as are the clinicians, such as the physicians. Death literacy (DL) is not yet established in germany. This is a combination of knowledge and skills that enables people to care their loved ones in the dying pro- cess at home. They are taught, for exa- mple, about available expedients or health policy issues that are necessary for domestic care, such as death certifi- cates or how long a dead person may stay at home. Individual or joint discus- sions with those involved in the dying process about the illness, dying and death promote on the one hand the sa- lutary process, on the other hand dying and death are planned together.

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