On Electrochemical Managing the Properties of Aqueous Coolant

Alexander S*


Liquid water as a chemical compound with the wide band gap is characterized by varying their Fermi level as a linear identifier of water oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). This potential is the management tool for changing chemical properties of the aqueous coolant by forced shifting Fermi level in the band gap at the expense of insignificant deviation (|z|<10) of water composition, H2O1–z, from the stoichiometric one (z=0). The hypo-stoichiometric state (z>0) with the negative ORP is realized when Fermi level is shifted to the local donor level, εHO, by electro-reducing the aqueous coolant in the electrochemical cell with the strongly polarized anode and the quasi-equilibrium cathode, occupying εH2O by electrons, and forming hydroxonium radicals, H3O, as the strongest reducers. Opposite, the hyperstoichiometric state (z<0) with the positive ORP is realized in the electrochemical cell with the strongly polarized cathode and the quasi-equilibrium anode when Fermi level is shifted to the local acceptor level, radicals, εOH, as the strongest oxidizers. εOH, forming in water hydroxyl.

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