Nutritional Treatment of Anaemia as Compare to Marketed Available Drug (Ferrous Sulfate) in Animal Model

Kulsoom Baqa, Nazis


Aim: To study the nutritional treatment of anaemia as compare to marketed available drug (Ferrous sulfate) in animal model. Methodology: Total 24 rats were included in the study, divided into 4 groups. Control group was treated with saline. Anaemia was produced in model and both test groups by pricking on their tail and drawn 2-3 drops of blood daily for one week. After producing anaemia model remained same and test group 1 were treated with the marketed available anti-anaemic drug called Ferrous sulphate of 30 mg/kg body weight and test group 2 treated with natural anti-anaemic Illicium verum extract of 80 mg/kg body weight for 6 weeks respectively. Result: Illicium verum extract increases locomotor activity in T2 rats therefore; rats open field activity was increased. It decreases depression and long-term memory but enhanced short term memory. It also produces anxiolytic effect as compare to ferrous sulfate. Haematological study including RBC, PCV, MCHC and platelets were shown significantly increased in T2 group of rats while lymphocyte, MCH and MCV were decreased. Conclusion: It was concluded in the study that the Illicium verum extract produce same effect as common medicine ferrous sulfate on rat’s model. In developing country, such as Pakistan the rate of anaemia was increased so there is a need of finding natural compounds to cure anaemia. Natural remedies were vital in modern era because natural compound do not produce side effect.

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