Short Communication
Lovely Ranganath
Years back the medical professional’s educational qualification and work experience was considered the gold standard to evaluate credibility. After the birth of Google, it is a struggle for the evidence-based practitioner to work with clients from a foundation built on principles of wisdom, confidence and integrity. The field of Nutrition & Dietetics is most hit by quackery. From that friend who managed to lose 20kgs & has 5000 followers in Instagram to the Licenced Dietician promoting her grain free products and glorifying the Paleo or Ketogenic diet to that beautiful actress with a million followers, posting pictures of her ‘Superfood detox green smoothie’ - the public is as lost as we are. Hoping to shed some light to the mayhem, I chose the topic of Nutritional Myths with the objective of empowering my colleagues, so they remain critical in their advice and go forth and support those reaching out to them with confidence. I will be covering four topics – • GLUTEN – Does it impair gut health and reduce fat loss? • ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS – Is it worse than sugar and does it initiate an insulin response? • ORGANIC – Are they healthier? • IS FASTED CARDIO A GREAT METHOD FOR FAT LOSS? Under each i will explore - Where did the myth come from? What gives it credence? Research to refute it & Conclusion.