Short Communication
Rachna Chhachhi
As a rheumatoid arthritis patient, myself, 13 years ago, when I was bedridden and had deformities which I continue to have, I didn’t have a choice not to heal myself. So, I went from getting pumped with methotrexate, facing severe hair fall, getting injections in my knuckles and bones without anaesthesia all at once, (13 injections in a span of 40 minutes!) to giving up medications completely and taking the path of healing. In retrospect, I understand that it may have been a risky thing for me to do but at that time I was driven by my pain and the focus to get rid of it. I managed to clinically reverse my rheumatoid arthritis, with negligible pain, no swelling, anti- CCP back in range from being above 2000, ESR and C-reactive protein back in range and a negative RA factor. It is only after I got certified as a nutritional therapist that my journey to help thousands of people with lifestyle conditions began. Lifestyle conditions today rely heavily on doctors, hospitals, hence increasing the burden on medical care, health care and health insurance. When we go back to the root causes of why these conditions began in the first place, it is much easier to reverse them without medications or with minimal medications. Management of these conditions with medications usually leads to various organs in the body being affected and a poorer quality of patient life. The focus of nutritional healing is to not only to reverse these conditions, strengthen the organs but also help the patient get a better quality of life and increase longevity. With clinical data and case studies with me in the last 11 years, I am happy to say that I have reversed type 2 diabetes, Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, heart blockages, high cholesterol, hypertension, endometriosis and many more conditions without medications, with nutrition. At this conference, I will be sharing some of the clinical data via my presentation and how reports which were out of range came back in range as well as other data points for the patient before and after. When I share that I have been able to use nutrition effectively to reverse lifestyle conditions including cancer and depression, what does that mean? I do not use only physical nutrition; I also use emotional nutrition. The mind and body are connected with each other and in lifestyle conditions, the quality of life of the individual is affected, causing severe anxiety and in many cases of autoimmune conditions (which are not lifestyle conditions but aggravated by stress) and cancer (70% of all cancers are lifestyle related), there is severe depression due to physical disabilities, chronic pain and fatigue. In such cases, once we get the physical nutritional balance in place, we step by step start getting emotional balance in place via oxygenating the body with breathing techniques and meditation.