Short commentary
Waggwa Joram Andrew
Quality oriented at the expense of quantity, purposeful feeding, in other words a deliberate effort to ensure that a human being ingests just enough amounts of each of the vital body nutrients i.e. protein, fats, carbohydrates and the essential Vitamins etc. In most third worlds and developing nations / cities especially in Africa, where food and other resources are more than scarce, nutrition and dietetics currently seems to be just “ideal“other than a possible reality, as most of the population can hardly afford to collectively have the various vital foods on table at once. The result is that most have resorted to quantity other than quality, which explains the current malnutrition and related shortcomings among most children, well as in most adults, there’s usually obesity and general body overweight along with the relative clinical mishaps of diabetes. To date for example about 45% of Kampala City population is already overweight and of these, 40% are already confirmed / diagnosed diabetes cases. Nutrition and Dietetics as a solution to the diabetes crisis in our developing Nations/Cities would be fine however among most of the population, this is just the “ideal” perfect feeding pattern destined to only the well to do families. Formal education relating to the same is currently sketchy among most settlers owing to not only the prevalent lack of financial resources to fuel it, but almost equally so, the lack of both policy and government blessing towards eradication and control of currently, aggressively rising Obesity and Diabetes crisis in not only our City-Kampala, but also in most cities in the developing nations. Evidently there exists a direct correlation between overall development modernization with the rise in prevalence of diabetes / obesity, as such this calls for advance planning and policies in other developing cities / nations.