Novel 4-aminoquinoline analogues as antimalarial agents: A review

Review Article

M. Rudrapal and D. Chetia


Malaria remains the worlds’ most devastating human parasitic infection, afflicting 500 million people and causing from 1.7-2.5 million deaths each year globally. 4-aminoquinoline drugs are highly effective and rapidly acting agents against asexual erythrocytic stages of malaria parasites mainly P. vivax and P. falciparum responsible for life threatening clinical manifestations and severity of the disease. However, development of resistance of malaria parasites, especially P. falciparum towards CQ (the most potent and less toxic 4-aminoquinoline drug) has limited its use in the treatment of malaria. The present review article depicted the antimalarial activity of novel series of 4-aminoquinoline structural analogues against different CQ-sensitive as well as CQresistant strains of Plasmodium species especially P. falciparum.

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