New analytical methodology for sugar quality assessment

Azara Begam Afridi


During recent years the proper control of intermediate stages of plantation white sugar manufacture is drawing an increasing amount of attention. The accounting of chemical behavior of sugars in their complex technology, certain controlling parameters as routine analysis is imperative. In the ongoing process these parameters should have wider range for better control.Conventionally the Brix, Pol., Purity, pH, Temperature are the usual parameters, which are measured in a routine way. The oblique view of these parameters is having constraints for obvious hidden reasons. To explain point wise constraints, the parameter Brix can be taken as an error prone because of calibration based value in pure sucrose solution. It deviates in technical solution and does not maintain linear relationship on dilution. Regarding Pol, it is affected in the presence of other optically active substances in the sugarhouse products. Secondly the lead sub acetate is a great pollutant and should be avoided.In sulphitation process the clarification norms are based on parameters viz. purity rise and pH. From mixed juice to clear juice rise in the range of 0.2 to 0.8 unit only which is having a very narrow range of control. Besides these, the importance of representative sampling in terms of their corresponding data to audit the process behavior has to be ascertained. In fact this is not practicable for routine analysis hence defeats the basic purpose. Next come the ash determination for quality control is also having its own limitations. For ash determination, it demands a great expenditure of time, error prone for high tare mass, hardly suitable for routine analysis and due to its poor reproducibility the parameter can not be considered as a routine control.

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