Mobile Phones Use and Cerebral Tumor: New Concepts

Isaac Enrique Tello Mata, Jesu


The use of mobile phones nowadays is essential in today’s world, the number of cellphones has increased consider-ably year by year; over 80% of the population in industrialized countries use them. In 2011 it was reported 4.6 billion mobile phones worldwide 1; at 2014 it was reported in Mexico 103.6 million devices in service alone. The cell-phone use exposes the user to radio frequencies (RF) and electromagnetic fields (EMF), when these waves are placed near the skull during calls, there might be damage to the brain by these non-ionizing radiation as a risk factor for brain tumors, so can these waves do damage during pregnancy or could harm the body in general. Multiple au-thors report an association between mobile phones and brain tumors. This article attempts to clarify the controver-sial issue and makes a review of articles and indexed journals considered important. The consequences are not dis-carded but prospective investigations are needed.

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