Minimizing Death of Children (Under the Age of Seven) Due to Lack of Sanitation Lachi District, Mekelle City

Perspective Article

Fitsum Abrha


According to (USAID) Ethiopia’s 81 million people have one of Africa’s lowest rates of access to water supply, sanitation, and hygiene despite abundant surface and groundwater resources. Ethiopia is also among the sub Saharan countries in which peoples in general and children in particular are dying due to lack of basic necessities. More specifically Lachi district which is founded in the Tigray regional state is also among the areas where in peoples particularly children dying because of lack of sanitation and hygiene. In the district many people are being adversely affected by the diseases caused due to lack of sanitation. This problem of sanitation is becoming a major reason for the death of peoples though the prominent victims of the problem are children whose age is less than seven. In addition to this it is also becoming the reason for the drop out of and hindrance of the achievement of the children.

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