Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF): A Novel Biomarker of Breast Cancer Progression

Research Article

Stéphane Perrier, Anne-


Migration Stimulating Factor (MSF) is a novel oncofetal biomarker previously identified in a number of human tumours. The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between MSF expression and disease progression in breast cancer. Archival breast tissues examined included malignant tumours (T; n=23), benign tumours or pathologies (B; n=8) and histologically normal breast from either reduction mammoplasties (NB; n=19) or from tumour patients (NB-T; n=18). Sections were stained with MSF-specific antibodies and assessed by consensus of 3-4 independent observers in terms of various MSF indices, which represented overall, epithelial and stromal MSF expression. MSF was heterogeneously expressed by epithelial and stromal cells, with significant inter-group quantitative differences in the sequence NB

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