Menstrual diseases as stated in canon fil-Tibb

Review Article

Sepide Miraj and Sara Kiani


The aim of present study is to overview vaginal diseases as stated in canon fil-Tibb.Computerized search of published articles was performed using PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus and Web of Science, Medline data bases as well as local references from 1990to 2015 .The search terms used were vaginal, disorders, diseases, Canon fil- Tibb, Avicenna. Additional sources were identified through cross-referencing. The result of this study was indicated that there are many gynecologic diseases as mentioned by Avicenna s book i.e. canon fil –Tibb as: Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), Hypomenorrhoea (low menstruation), Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), Premenstruation syndrome (PMS), Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge), Menorrhagia (excessive menstruation), and Menopause related problems. while the modern medicine put its emphasis on treating gynecologic disorders through chemical drugs ,Iranian traditional medicine, mainly Avicenna, emphasized on traditional, complementary and alternative medicine especially use of herbal medicine in the treatment of such disorders.

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