Medicinal Chemistry: 2018 Theory of Three-Electron Bond in the Four Works with Brief Comments- Bezverkhniy Volodymyr

 Bezverkhniy Volodymyr


 Chemical bonding has always been the basis of chemistry. The Progress of Chemical Science. The aromatic bond is the fundamental basis of organic chemistry. The concept of three-electron bonding in a benzene molecule helps explain the specificity of aromatic bonding. It also becomes obvious why the planar molecules with 6, 10 etc. electrons (according to Hückel's rule 4n + 2) must be aromatic, and planar molecules with 4, 8 etc. electrons cannot be defined by aromatic. The description of the chemical bond, given by quantum theory, in particular the molecular orbit method of terms, is just a mathematical model. This model is an approximate representation of molecules and their bonds, while the calculations of quantum mechanics require organic molecules. The concept of bond with three electrons and the mathematical relationships developed in this work are rather simplex, illustrative and give the exact results of different values (bond of multiplicity, chemically bound energy) and energis of duélz. Clearly imagine that the three-electron bond is a new type of chemical bond that results in relative spins with three electrons. This type of bond, with three electrons, makes it possible to describe the real molecules of organic and inorganic compounds without invoking virtual structures, which do not exist in real terms. The description of the benzene molecule before the use of the three electrons in the aromatic bond in the general point of view is quite general, as it seems. In addition, for the determination of the delocalization energy, it is not necessary to select reference structures. The delocalization energy stems from the concept of aromaticity of benzene and its structure on a three-electron bond. I note that the three electron bonds used to describe the benzene molecule used by Kermak WO, et al. at the beginning of the 20th century. But since the electrons of spin are not taken into account, cyclooctatetraene problems have already started and therefore the description of the benzene molecule by a tri-electron has been unsuccessful. Using the three-electron bond with a multiplicity of 1.5 and taking into account the spin of each electron leads to very good results in the description of the benzene molecule and general aromaticity. Using a three-electron bond with a multiplicity of 1, The three-electron bond in benzene is classic, "direct", along the axis of the bond, but not in the form of "banana bond". Due to the actual interaction through the cycle, the bond should deviate slightly from the axis, possibly 0.1 Å - 0.2 Å, slightly to the center of the cycle. This change is very slight compared to the "banana obligation". An atomic force microscope (AFM) using the pentacene molecule of the Consider image, which is used to obtain possible photos of molecules and of course their individual bonds; and this particular is necessary for the presence of the three-electron bond. The pentacene molecule is the most representative, see photos where the displacement of  The most important cycles of the center of the chemical bond (or rather the bond path) are clearly the three-electron bond (TBT) and the interaction through the cycle. The naphthalene and anthracene formulas are presented according to the TBT. The pentacene molecule will have a similar structure according to the theory of binding three electrons. The photoelectricity of the chemical bond in the displacement of the inner cycles, which is a logical given of the interaction of the central electrons of the three-electron bond with the internal cycles of the central electrins; Thus, the center of the cycles toward displacement is minimal or absent. The photo of the pentacene visible in the chemical bond of the distribution. The carbon atom near the electron density is less than that of the center of the chemical bond, so there is no protrusion from the center of the cycle. bonds to three electrons), which are understandably given to two bonds to three electrons near the carbon atom, and therefore two neighboring electrons that interact with opposite spins. The classical chemistry of quantum interaction using electrons. It is clear that the electrons do not gravitate towards each other, but on the contrary, if they gravitate, a force must exist, and this force of the calculation for a well. In nature, there are only four basic interactions: 1. Gravity. 2. Electromagnetic (most important for chemistry). 3. Strong. 4. Weak. By neglecting the gravitational interaction, it is only the electromagnetic interaction and the broad sense, Coulomb's attraction and repulsion in the molecule (or rather between electrons and nuclei).  The classical concepts explain that chemical bonding is impossible (rather than the existence of four fundamental interactions). When it is obvious that the chemical bonds of the formation of quantum effects are important. There are two specific atoms with unpaired electrons and the four fundamental interactions, but still need to be placed at a certain distance to help them "form chemical bonds." The quantum effects, these baselines (atoms and fundamental interactions) are not sufficient to form a chemical bond. Quantum effects of the space-time begin to affect the interaction of atoms (the house begins to affect the interaction between residents), without it, explaining the formation of a chemical bond is impossible

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